POWERFLOW Full Range of Valve Positioners Passed IP67 Protection Level Test
Time:2024-08-22 Author: Number of views:824

Recently, our full range of intelligent valve positioners, based on the original IP66 protection level, have passed the short-term continuous immersion test after authoritative testing by a CNAS-accredited laboratory, and all meet the IP67 protection requirements.

The IP protection level system was drafted by the International Electro technical Commission (IEC) to classify electrical appliances according to their dust and moisture resistance.

The two numbers in IPXX represent the dustproof and waterproof level requirements of the electrical appliance respectively:

The first number indicates the level of dustproof and prevention of foreign objects (foreign objects here include tools, human fingers, etc., which must not touch the live parts of the appliance to avoid electric shock), which is divided into 0-6 levels:

0  No protection

1  Prevent the intrusion of solids with a diameter of 50 mm or more

2  Prevent the intrusion of solids with a diameter of 12.5 mm or more

3  Prevent the intrusion of solids with a diameter of 2.5mm or larger

4  Prevent the intrusion of solids with a diameter of 1mm or larger

5 Dust protection: It cannot completely prevent dust from entering, but it will not affect the normal operation of the instrument or reduce safety

6 Dust Confinement: Dust cannot enter

The second number indicates the sealing degree of the appliance against moisture and water immersion, which is divided into levels 0-8:

0  No protection

1 Protection against vertically falling water drops: Vertically falling water drops have no effect

2 When the shell is tilted up to 15°, it is protected against vertically falling water drops: When the shell is tilted up to 15° at any angle on any side of the vertical, vertically falling water drops have no effect

3 Waterproof fog: Spraying on any vertical side at any angle not exceeding 60° has no effect

4 Splash-proof: Water splashing on the shell from any direction will have no effect

5 Anti-spray: Water spraying on the shell from any direction will have no effect

6 Anti-strong water spray: Strong water spray from any direction will not affect the shell

7 Anti-short time immersion: Under normal temperature and pressure, there is no effect when the shell is temporarily immersed in 1M deep water

8 Anti-continuous immersion: No effect if continuously immersed in water

Specifically, the IP67 protection level means that the intelligent valve positioner has the following characteristics:

1、 Completely prevent dust from entering: The shell, interface, window and other parts of the intelligent valve positioner have good sealing performance, which can effectively prevent dust from entering the inside of the device and ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

2、 Short-term immersion without impact: Under specified conditions, the intelligent valve positioner can be briefly immersed in water of a certain depth without causing damage to the device. This provides good protection for devices used outdoors from spray, rain or other situations in daily life.

Generally speaking, there are not many positioners that can meet the IP67 protection level in the world. The valves that can be matched are limited, and most of them are mechanical, debugging is not convenient enough. The improvement of protection level this time represents the further improvement of the reliability of our products, which can be applied to the sites with relatively bad working conditions. In addition, the design of our 1 series positioners that do not requiring opening the cover for operation, which further reduces the probability of water ingress on site, avoiding customers' worries.

POWERFLOW will always prioritize the reliability of our products to enhance the competitiveness of our products and bring the best value to our customers!

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